I write because I have no will to do otherwise. To not write is to not express and to not express is to not exist. I write, therefore, I am.

Monday, August 30, 2010

The meaning of gifted

   /ˈgɪftɪd/ Show Spelled[gif-tid]
having great special talent or ability: the debut of a gifted artist.
having exceptionally high intelligence: gifted children.

What is it to be gifted? Who can really say? Why have I been singled out, why was my name put next to the label that should be a free-for-all. I am not gifted. Everyone is gifted. I am not special.
I look up at the projector and the label that you take for granted, if you have a high enough IQ and a different way of seeing things, and feel regret.
Who are you to say who is gifted?


Hanging from the ceiling

a mobile can be found

Breaking up the pieces of me

to decorate the ground

That very pretty mobile

On its very pretty string

Holds up all the hopes and loves

The never ending sin

The dreams that never started out

With a chance to live

All hanging from the ceiling

Making little out of big

Couldn’t help but see you

When you were at your worst

And now that you’re back from dark side

You’re still cold as ice

Even if it all in my mind

Maybe you really are kind

But you didn’t stop talking

Long enough to hear me

And now and you’re gone

I can finally be free.


Beginnings are the hardest part of writing. I look down at the page before me, unable to see the words that I know hang just below the surface. I stare, as if pretending to see them will make them appear. The paper, of course, wins this staring match and continues to hold its secrets. I put down my pencil, hand unwilling to move, and stretch. Beginnings are the hardest part of writing.